Transaction Details
- Transaction Hash
- 0xca29395076945f086c6fc12298d97cb16eb7b559b02ce772aff04853316fdc05
- Result
- Success
- Status
ConfirmedConfirmed by 10,551,918
- Block
- 22713754
- Timestamp
- | Confirmed within <= 5.606 seconds
- Interacted With (To)
- 0x409ac0a8e5c0cf6cf9443d7964fee5715d32521b
- Tokens Transferred
From EWCNFTAuctionHouse (0x409ac0–32521b) To 0x808eFFeCA04D40107B2B8Ae417E3d9C0773B137e 0x808eff–3b137e For TokenID [19] TTT
- Value
- 0 EWT ( )
- Transaction Fee
- 0.000011421 EWT ()
- Gas Price
- 0.1 Gwei
- Transaction Type
- 2 (EIP-1559)
- Gas Limit
- 123,810
- Max Fee per Gas
- 0.1 Gwei
- Max Priority Fee per Gas
- 0.1 Gwei
- Priority Fee / Tip
- 0.00001142099920053 EWT
- Transaction Burnt Fee
- 0.00000000000079947 EWT ()
- Gas Used by Transaction
- 114,210 | 92.25%
- NoncePosition
- 2110
- Raw Input