Transaction Details
- Transaction Hash
- 0x9b28abf9028bab9223bdd37c827e3b28b8a3a8774212176c651f059972177ed7
- Result
- Success
- Status
ConfirmedConfirmed by 15,916,472
- Block
- 17483330
- Timestamp
- | Confirmed within <= 5.404 seconds
- Interacted With (To)
- 0x2acbee922b3a2f4bcb1e2587144122411b857325
- Tokens Transferred
From NFTrees NFTrees (0x2acbee–857325) To 0x874Ce617418250CcB4788E038DC0BF6EeA432C83 0x874ce6–432c83 For TokenID [8] S👀TS
- Value
- 0 EWT ( )
- Transaction Fee
- 0.001361287506352675 EWT ()
- Gas Price
- 1.500000007 Gwei
- Gas Limit
- 942,831
- Max Fee per Gas
- 1.500000008 Gwei
- Max Priority Fee per Gas
- 1.5 Gwei
- Priority Fee / Tip
- 0.0013612875 EWT
- Transaction Burnt Fee
- 0.000000000006352675 EWT ()
- Gas Used by Transaction
- 907,525 | 96.26%
- NoncePosition
- 10900
- Raw Input