Transaction Details
- Transaction Hash
- 0xc2138c602dfb021fc54289acb231e3e7902e43cd3e6c476d013e45d93eea935c
- Result
- Success
- Status
ConfirmedConfirmed by 19,952,742
- Block
- 13439507
- Timestamp
- | Confirmed within 1.8 seconds
- Interacted With (To)
- 0xdfac127dd4eba37ddff2daa1562c8904176426b1
- Tokens Transferred
From 0xCdB8eAf44f1E22707dF63BfaD380b72aA1274e67 0xcdb8ea–274e67 To 0x874Ce617418250CcB4788E038DC0BF6EeA432C83 0x874ce6–432c83 For TokenID [8] S👀TS
- Value
- 50 EWT ( )
- Transaction Fee
- 0.000000000000058162 EWT ()
- Gas Price
- 0.000000001 Gwei
- Gas Limit
- 116,965
- Gas Used by Transaction
- 58,162 | 49.73%
- NoncePosition
- 37742
- Raw Input